Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake

 ~Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake ~

• Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake.sea snakes as pets.

 •(Hydrophis) : Belcher's sea.poisonous sea.

Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake
colorful sea 

• Belcher's sea. is found in tropical Indian Pacific ocean. 

• Belcher's sea.    cean and  They live whole life in sea water. 

 Belcher's sea.   fish like body. But it has laterally compressed oar like tail. With help of this tail, it can swim in water. 

 Belcher's sea. feeds on small fishes.

Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake
Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake

  Belcher's sea.   The head is small and upper side is protected by shields. Their eyes are small and nostrils have valves.

  The ventral scales (ventrals) are small or vestigeal or absent. 

• poisonous sea. are viviparous animal and highly poisonous snake.

• Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake
         , any of more than 60 species of highly venomous marine snakes of the cobra family (Elapidae). 

 •   Belcher's sea.   are two independently evolved groups: the true sea snakes (subfamily Hydrophiinae), which are related to Australian terrestrial elapids, and the sea kraits (subfamily Laticaudinae), which are related to the Asian cobras. 

 •  Belcher's sea.    the most potent of all snakes, human fatalities are rare because sea snakes are not aggressive, their venom output is small, and their fangs are very short.


   Belcher's sea. Like other sea snakes, it has a paddle-like tail which makes it an expert swimmer, and it rarely goes on land.poisonous sea. eats fish and shellfish. 

        Belcher's sea.        Itbreathes air, and has valves over its nostrils that close underwater. It can hold its breath for as long as 7 to 8 hours while hunting and even sleeping, but then has to surface for a quick breath of air. It is generally docile and not aggressive. It may deliver a provoked bite only after repeated severe treatment. It usually bites fishermen handling nets, but only 25% of those bitten are envenomed

      Belcher's sea.    Indian Ocean (Philippines: Visayan area, Panay; New Guinea), Gulf of Thailand,

Australia (North Territory?, Queensland?), Solomon Islands 2000. Especially around the Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea off northwest Australia. Also New Caledonia

~Taxonomic Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake

              species was first described and named by John Edward Gray in 1849.

~ Etymology ~

Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake

       Hydrophis comes from Greek "hydro" = water + "ophis" = serpent.

             The specific name, belcheri, commemorates the Nova Scotian, Royal Navy Captain, later Admiral, Sir Edward Belcher KCB, RN (1799-1877) who collected the holotype.

~ Common names ~

Walo walo colorful sea 🐍 snake

    so referred to as Belcher's ocean snake. Belcher's sea snake has been mistakenly called the "hook-nosed sea snake" (which is actually Enhydrina schistosa) and in one instance was called the "blue-banded sea snake" (which is actually one common name for Hydrophis cyanocinctus).

poisonous sea.

Belcher's sea.hyfrophis sea snake .yellow bellie sea snake.sea Krait.beaked sea snack.poisonous sea.giant sea snake.hook nosed snack.yellow sea snake.coral reef.,

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