Radiant reptilia 24.

~Examples of Class Radiant reptilia 24~

• Giant Turtle / Testudo : 

•   Radiant reptilia 24 are known as Testudo, They mainly found in Galapagos Island, India, Sri Lanka, Africa.

•  Radiant reptilia 24 live in fresh or marine water or on land. 

 •   Radiant reptilia 24  feed on small worms and insects. Their body is encased in oval shell. On shell in definite manner plate like bones are arranged. 

Radiant reptilia.
Radiant reptilia 24 

 •  Over the shell is a layer of leathery skin. The lower part of the body is known as plastron. 

 •  Radiant reptilia 24  withdrawn inside their neck and limbs. 

 •  Jaws lack teeth but bear stout cornified sheaths to crush their food.

reptilia 24.
Radiant reptilia 24 

 • Radiant reptilia 24  toes  end in horny elaws that are modified for erawling and digging Behind eve. external ear opening is found. They are oviparou animals and during winter seasons they show hibernation 

~ Tuatara ~

• Radiant reptilia 24  also known a Sphenodon. It is a living fossil. It is found in New - Zealand. They live in burrows and live semi-aquatic life. 

• reptilia  body is lizard-like and measuring about 75 cm.
Radiant reptilia. reptilia 24.
Radiant reptilia 24 

• length. Their body colour is light green with white and yellow spots They contain sealy skin and long tail. 

• Anal opening is tranaverse, Malo without copulatory organ. 

• Animal IN oviparous It is nocturnal animal and eats insects, molluses and small invertebrates.

~Crocodilus (Muggar)~

• Radiant reptilia 24  is found in India and some other places. 

• Radiant reptilia 24  is found in rivers and lakes Its body is 4-6 metres in length and there are 4 parts - Head, Neck, Trunk and Tail.

Radiant reptilia. reptilia 24.
Radiant reptilia 24 

• Radiant reptilia 24  upper part of the body is olive brown with black spots. 

• Radiant reptilia 24  has transverse rows of bony scutes. Jaws are long, powerful and contains many teeth. 

• The first tooth fits into a pit and fifth tooth of lower jaw fit into a notch on the outer side of upper jaw. 

• Tongue cannot keep to outside of the mouth (Not protrusible).

• Radiant reptilia. reptilia 24.  has laterally compressed tail

• Radiant reptilia. reptilia 24.
•Radiant reptilia. reptilia 24.

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