Ştructure & Functional Architecture of Mammalian Kidney.hium renale . function of hilumin kidney. Supra renal medulla. Juxta-medullary nephrons :

Ştructure & Functional Architecture of Mammalian Kidney  

• Function of renal cortex .hilum.medulla and juxta _ medullary nephrons.

•  A pair of kidney is found in the abdomen. Kidney is a compound tubular gland.

•   It is adapted to filtering waste materials from the blood. It is enclosed by strong , capsule of connective tissue

 •  In longitudinal section (L.S.), kidney consists of outer renal cortex and inner renal medulla. 

• Both parts contain uriniferous tubules.

~Renal Cortex ~

   Reanl cortex  is granular in appearance. 

The tul are much convoluted and contains Malpighian corpuse

 ~pra Renal Medulla~     Renal medulla.  is striated in the appearance tubules runs straight towards the pelvis.    Renal medulla.    has 8 t0 conical masses called renal pyramids. Their ends are kn as renal papillae. There are minor calyces, major cal and pelvis. 

Renal Medulla
 Renal medulla.

 Hilum Renal  ~

 I  Renal Hilum a concave part in middle of kidne leave the kidney. It takes away urine to urinary bladde Nephron is a funcțional unit of the kidney. Each kidney la 10 lac (1 million) nephrons.

 Nephron consists of two parts 

It ha glomerulus and Bowman's capsule. Blood enters glomeruluthrough afferent renal arteriole and exits through efferent renal arteriole. Glomerulus is a tuff of convoluted blood capillaries and Bowman's capsule is cuplike structure with cavity. 

 • Renal Tubule : It is a single tube. It consists of Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT) Loop of Henle and Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT), PCT and DCT are coiled tube while loop of Henle has straight tube making a hairpin turn in medulla.
 It is a single tube. It consists of Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT) Loop of Henle and Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT), PCT and DCT are coiled tube while loop of Henle has straight tube making a hairpin turn in medulla. 

Hilum Renal
 Hilum Renal

Short connecting tubules link the DCT to collecting duct and finally papillary duct. Papillary duct opens into minor calyx. There are Cortical Nephrons and Jaxta medullary Nephrons.

: They are about 85% of all nephrons They are located mostly in superficial coretex of kidney Their Henle's loop is short.

 ~ Juxta-medullary nephrons ~

  juxta_medullary nephrons  are only 15-20% of the total nephrons. Their renal corpuscle lie deep in the cortex close to the renal medulla, and they have a long loop of Henle that extends into the deepest region of renal medulla.

Juxta-medullary nephrons.
juxta_medullary nephrons

Reanl cortex. Function of renal hilum. Renal medulla.juxta_medullary nephrons.,

 Hilum Renal
 Hilum Renal
 Hilum Renal
 Hilum Renal
 Hilum Renal

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