Cephalochordata General Characters

~Cephalochordata General Characters ~ 

• All animals are found in shallow marine water. 

• ephalochordata are sedentary animals and their anterior end remains outside from the sand of bottom of sea.

• The body of animals are small sized, fish like, about cm long, divided into many segments and transparent. 

• Cephalochordataswim in water after coming out from sand at night. 5-8 

• Cephalochordata is an absence of head. The trunk and tail are present.

• Cephalochordata  is an absence of exoskeleton. The epidernmis wi single layer is found. 

• The muscles are arranged on dorso lateral side to for myötomes. region. 

• The notochord is extended from rostrum to tail Hence, they are known as cephalochordates. 

General character of Cephalochordata. Subphylum Cephalochordata  . Phylum Cephalochordata.

• The digestive tract is complete and eontains pharyngeal gill slits. many

• Cephalochordata respire through general body surface. They do not have specific respiratory organs. 

• Cephalochordata have well developed and closed type of circulatory system. However, there is an absence of heart and respiratory pigment.

• dCephalochordata not have definite brain and ganglia. 

• Cephalochordata  are dioceous animals (male and female animals are separate). 

• Cephalochordata  number of gonads are arranged in segments. However, there is absence of gonoducts. more and

• Example of Cephalochordata 

• Amphioxus : 

• Cephalochordata is also called lancelet. They are found in temperate and tropical seashore.

• Amphioxus makes burrows in clean, shallow and recurring water and it remains buried in sand for most of the time.

Example of Cephalochordata. Class of Cephalochordata. Define Cephalochordata.,

• But in darkness or to tease it, it swims very rapidly by lashing movements of tail. Adult animal is cm long. 

• body is elongated, flat, nonpigmented and pointed at the both ends. 

• Anterior end is called as rostrum. The mouth is situated ventrally, in which less than 5 many oral cirri are found.

• General character of Cephalochordata. Subphylum Cephalochordata  . Phylum Cephalochordata. Example of Cephalochordata. Class of Cephalochordata. Define Cephalochordata.,

• General character of Cephalochordata. Subphylum Cephalochordata  . Phylum Cephalochordata. Example of Cephalochordata. Class of Cephalochordata. Define Cephalochordata.,

General character of Cephalochordata. 
General character of Cephalochordata. 
General character of Cephalochordata. 
General character of Cephalochordata. 
General character of Cephalochordata. 


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