Funko amphibia s2e1.

~ General characters of class Funko amphibia s2e1. ~

• General characters of class Funko amphibia s2e1 

•.  Funko amphibia  are found in water, near water bodies or on land.

.•  Funko amphibia The head, neck, trunk and tail are major part, of body. However, neck and tail may be present or absent. 

• Though, they are tetrapod animals, they usually have 2 pairs of limbs (fore limbs and hind limbs) or some animals without limbs. The number of fingers may be 4 to 5 or less.

•  Funko amphibia do not have paired fins.

•  Funko amphibia skin is soft, moist, having glands and pigment cells.

• e exoskeleton is absent. They do not have claws.

 •  Funko amphibia endoskeleton is made up of mainly bones. Notochord is replaced by vertebral column.

• The digestive tract has large mouth jaws with teeth, protrusible tongue and cloaca. The respiration is by lungs, skin and mouth lining. The larval stages may have external gills which can be also found in some adult animals. 

,Funko amphibia s2e1.
Funko amphibia s2e1.

• The heart is 3-chambered (2 auricle and 1 ventricle). Sinus venousus is present. RBCS are large, oval and having nucleus. 

• They have well developed renal portal system and hepatic portal system.

• The kidneys are mesonephric type. They have large urinary bladder. Their urinary ducts open into eloaca. 

• They excrete urea (ureotelic animals).

Funko amphibia s2e1.

• The brain is comparatively poorly developed. There a 10 pairs of cranial nerves.

 •  Funko amphibia are dioecious. The male animal does not ha copulatory organs. Gonoducts open into cloaca

.• Funko amphibia  are oviparous and show mainly externa fertilization. 

• The development is indirect which includes larv stages. Metamorphosis is found.

• Funko amphibia  are poikilothermy animals.

Funko amphibia Amphibia.Amphibia s2 .Amphibia20.Amphibia general character. Class Amphibia,

Funko amphibia s2e1.
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